SiteNote for Teams/ Android Version (Pending)
SiteNote Teams is the next iteration of SiteNote. It is intended to provide a simple and cost effective solution for small businesses to share information between team members.
This version of the App will feature an online interface and will allow companies to create "Teams" for their business.
Each user of the SiteNote App can be added as member to this team. The App will automatically synchronize all the data between team members, so that that they can view the same projects and images on their apps. It will also add features such as permissions and the ability to assign tasks and appointments to different members.
The App will also add some new features. One will be a file viewer. This will enable users to view and mark-up attachments such as site drawings which come in PDF format. Another will be project chat/messaging. This will allow members to message each other on the app. The messages will be linked to Projects making it easy to view conversations and comments related to specific Jobs and Tasks.
We will start working on SiteNote Teams when we reach around 5000 subscribers. Our next goal will be to create an Android version of SiteNote to expand the user base. We will work on this, if we can reach 1000 subscribers with our IOS version which is proof of concept.